Preparing for September..

September is completely around the corner! It is literally next week now!

Perhaps you are teachers going back into a school year? or parents getting ready to send you kids into a new year.

Whatever situation you may be in, September is that lovely time where it feels refreshing and a reset to a new year. Perhaps you have a new job and its a brand new start!

What are some key things to remember at this time you may ask? as It’s an exciting time but also one of great change that can feel overwhelming at times.

1. Take a moment to breathe

You made the change for good reasons. Be kind to yourself and remember change does feel uncomfortable to begin with.

2. Keep a positive mindset

Following on from this, it’s important to remember we are all always learning and changing whatever that may be.

3. Look after yourself

In a new role, or starting fresh, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and therefore out of control.

4. way to prepare for the return to work is to revamp your office space. If you have been working from home for a year or more, chances are your office or cubicle represents the old you. Add new framed photos of loved ones to make your environment more comfortable and inviting.

5. Chances are, if you’ve been working from home, you’re accustomed to a more flexible schedule and perhaps waking up later. You may even have gotten used to the occasional afternoon nap. Prepare to return to work by creating a more regimented sleep schedule at least a week or two before your start date.

Got anymore tips leave us a comment or message on our Instagram!

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We make and sell Sustainable Bamboo Desk Monitors, Laptop Stands and Phone Holders.

Returning back to Autumn…


How to juggle work and life balance…