How to Set up your Desk in the best way…

Spending Hours at your desk can become a lot and if you have not got it setup in the best way to look after your health it can take on a lot of strain and in fact dangerous for your health.

For example, the height of your chair and position of your monitor. Can not only affect your health but also your productivity. Other things like, Uncomfortable chairs, messy desks, and poor lighting can really wear you down.

Please find the below example of a good office setup:

The quality of lighting in your office can affect your mood and your well-being. Poor lighting—whether it's dim lighting or harsh lighting from overhead fluorescent lights—can cause eye strain, stress, and fatigue.

A plant or two in your office could improve your productivity and happiness.

Color psychology is a fascinating field of study. Red is energizing and warming, stimulates our pulses, and can be perceived as aggressive:

  • Blue can stimulate thought and aid in concentration and communication, but some might see it as cold and unemotional

  • Yellow is stimulating and lifts spirits, but the wrong tone of it can make you feel anxious

  • Green is a reassuring, balancing color, but, depending on how it's used, can be perceived as bland

  • Violet encourages contemplation, but too much of it could bring about too much introspection

  • Orange is stimulating and fun, but too much of it can be overwhelming

  • Pink is soothing but too much can be draining

  • Gray is neutral, psychologically, and can be depressing unless the right tone is used

  • Black is serious and sophisticated, but can be heavy

  • White gives a heightened perception of space but can be a strain to look at

  • Brown is a serious color, but warmer than black and is solid and supportive

Your desk should ideally let you type on a keyboard with your arms and hands roughly parallel to the floor, your feet flat on the floor, and your legs fitting comfortably under the desk when sitting (you should be able to comfortably cross your legs under the surface).

After your desk, your chair is the most important piece of furniture in your office, especially if you sit in it for long work sessions.

A few tips on where to position your monitor:

Keep your monitor or laptop screen between 20 and 40 inches in front of you. If the monitor is too far away, you might be forced to lean forward and no longer have back support. Too near and your eyes have to work harder to focus. You should be able to read all text comfortably while maintaining proper posture. If text is too small, zoom in.

Make sure the top line of the screen is at or below your eye level. If the monitor is too high, you'll be forced to strain your head, neck, and back. At the same time, your downward viewing angle to see the entire screen shouldn't be greater than 60 degrees.

Don't tilt the monitor more than 10 to 20 degrees. More than that and objects on the screen might be difficult to read.

Place the monitor perpendicular to windows. This will help avoid eye-straining glare.

Do also take a look at some Ergonomics Online Magazine’s we have sourced below:

Online Magazine

Got anymore tips? Let us know!

Thank you for Reading.

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